Beinn an Dothaidh (1004m)

Sunday 6th April 2014

Distance: 8kms - Duration: 4hrs - Group Size: 3

Walk Leader - John

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For one reason or another, a few of us were unable to make it to Inverie for the Carn Dearg meet this weekend, and so, not wanting to miss out on a walk, decided to have a second attempt at Beinn an Dothaidh, despite the fact of a horrendous weather forecast, which, quite frankly spoke of zero visibility and "upland gales" for the tops.

As we set off from Bridge of Orchy we couldn't argue with the forecast as heavy rain was evident right from the outset, and once onto the hillside, a strong, cold wind made for uncomfortable going. At least the visibility at lower levels was reasonable, although it was very obvious that everything above about 700m height was shrouded in a blanket of thick grey cloud and mist.

Irrespective of the conditions, we actually made very good timing to the bealach where we decided to continue on our planned route, but taking it a stage at a time as visibility was certainly becoming very poor, and we were as yet uncertain as to just how much snow may still be around Coire Reidh and the summit ridge.

Twenty minutes later, as we reached the 930m height, heading north up Coire Reidh towards the 1000m west top and with hard-packed snow merging with a thickening mist any perspective there was of the ground ahead was fading fast and so we reluctantly decided to abandon our plans and head back down towards the bealach - the summit could wait until another day.

Disappointing in that we did not get to the summit, but the hot coffee in the Bridge of Orchy Hotel was a welcome ending to the day. At least we were heading home for a nice comfortable evening at home, unlike the couple of West Highland Wayer's who trudged into the hotel, very wet, and very despondent looking, packing two of the biggest rucksacks you've ever seen.

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