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Ben Donich(847m)

Saturday 20th July 2024


4hrs 45mins

The weather was not that inviting for the weekend, especially Saturday which was forecast to be low cloud and mist throughout the morning with a heavy persistent rain for the afternoon. However, buoyed up by some recent higher level walks I was intent on “going high” whatever the weather. My initial thoughts were simply my “go to hill” Beinn Dubh, that was until Ian suggested why no his “go to hill”, Ben Donich, a great hill and since it was three years or so since I last climbed Donich, Donich it was.

The poor weather forecast was obviously being taken seriously by others as the usually busy forestry car park just off the Rest and Be Thankful was empty apart from one solitary car as we arrived, and remained so once we were booted up and heading for the hill path to Ben Donich with the mist, as forecast, hanging low on all the surrounding hills, but it was at least dry, although the air was quite heavy with moisture. Three years ago, the start of the hill path was clear to see as it wound up through some low scrub and young pine trees. What a difference three years can make, the early stages of the path are now overhung by the small pines which you have to brush aside to make headway, which, given the moist air meant that we were getting a soaking from the heavy dew on the branches as we brushed our way through. Thankfully it was only for a few metres and then we were at least clear of the overhanging trees and heading to the gate onto the open hillside; and even the gate, sturdy and sound three years ago had succumbed to the wet and damp through the years with it’s stout posts rotted through and the gate lying a sorry broken mess by their side.

Clear of the forest the route to the summit of Ben Donich is straightforward and relatively easy to follow, even in the misty conditions, as it winds its way upwards, sometimes grassy underfoot, and at other times a rocky broken path, but whichever, the going is a steady uphill pull, which we took at a very leisurely pace, no rush, just enjoy the hill and the quietness that mist often brings. A single group of four caught us up, and it was then a case of leapfrogging them as we climbed, tackled the “bad step”, and finally onto what always seem to me a long contouring climb to the summit cairn, still in the mist. The group immediately departed the summit, whereas we moved just a few metres to the south to hunker down under some crags for a very welcome break and lunch.

We finished our lunch still the only ones on the summit and thankful that the rain had held off until now, but fully expecting a wet descent. We had literally taken only a few steps away from the Trig Point when out of the mist appeared a group of young walkers, fast, up to the summit and off past us descending the hill. Suddenly people were appearing out of the mist as if it were some High Street on sales day, they just came, singles, pairs, groups, dogs and all, it seemed weird after the almost solitary climb we had. And more weirdness was to come, as the moment we climbed up the “bad step” the mist quite suddenly lifted and blue skies broke through. Amazing! No rain, just ever improving visibility and views as we made our descent down what is a quite beautiful ridge which stretches out ahead of you on the descent.

Unlike our departure, the car park was very busy on our return with cars and people milling around the place, did they all see a different forecast than we did, did they know to wait until late afternoon to start the hill, who knows. Anyway, we had a brilliant day, all capped off with a visit to Slanj on the way home. Thanks for the company Ian, great hill.