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Beinn Narnain(926m)

21st April 2021


5hrs 45mins

It is just short of 6 months since I last posted a walk report on the website. Covid restrictions have been such that we cannot travel beyond our own Council Boundary, which has meant a severe lack of hill walking beyond my local hills, such as Ben Bowie and Stoneymollan, and, with Ben Bowie being a mere 313m in height and accessed via easy forest tracks I was doubting my fitness on my return to a more demanding mountain on the day the Covid restrictions were eased, and we could once again make the short drive to the nearest major hills, The Arrochar Alps.

A steady pace, sticking to the well established main path, up the zig-zags, passed the small dam, beyond The Narnain Boulders and onto the west ridge of Beinn Narnain, just short of Bealach a'Mhaim, to the cairn and Trig Point at 926m. Brilliant.

So, it was hardish, but a steady pace saw me complete my first major hill in 6 months. A very pleasing experience

A short report as this entry is only to update my walking log and database!