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Beinn Chaorach(818m)

Sunday 25th April 2021



Beinn Chaorach has been described as an "undistinguished" hill in some reports I have read. However, I do not subscribe to that definition. Beinn Chaorach is positoned as the centre point of a vast wheel whose spokes draw your views towards the summits of mightier Munros, some, just a few miles away, others, on the edge of the horizon. Beinn Chaorach is anything but "undistinguished".

Another plus point is that Beinn Chaorach is a relatively straightforward mountain, with a good estate track leading from the start point at Auchtertyre up to the 400m height, at which point the descent continues north on the grassy south shoulder, and even now, route-finding is simply a matter of following the low stakes of the now defunct electric fence which runs all the way to the summit Trig Point, thereby allowing you to relax and just enjoy the hillside and the beauty of the day.

And a beautiful day it was. Wonderfully clear blue skies, with just a few white clouds drifting over. Warm enough for single layer top dressing, but just cool enough to keep a comfortable temperature.

We were in no hurry. A steady pull up the grassy slopes with a short interim stop for a drink and chat part way up, and then onwards onto the 818m summit, with it's unusual round Trig Point. It is here that one can appreciate fully the 360 degree views of those mighty Munros, in todays brilliant visibility there were plenty to choose from, nearby Ben Lui, and Ben Hope and further afield, Cruachan and Ben Starav, to name just a few. Such a relaxing summit, such a beautiful day; we settled back to soak up the views, sunshine and some refreshments, and at such a leisurely state that we finally had to pack our bags and continue, otherwise there was the distinct possibility that "Noddy" just might have started snoring!

We departed the grassy summit, continuing generally north before swinging slightly north northeast down ot he 638m bealach, the low point between Beinn Chaorach and it's neighbouring Corbett, Cam Chreag. Just before the bealach we split into two parties, with two intrepids continuing onto Cam Chreag, whilst the remainder of us swung off the bealach and descended south east to the rickety gate on the boundary fence and cross into the rather indistinct plantation in the upper reaches of Gleann a'Chlachain. The track through the plantation is initially indistinct, wet and rough underfoot; however, it improves with each step, until you reach the southern boundary gate, at which point you join the fine estate track for the final hour or so back to Auchtertyre.

The two intrepids timed their arrival to perfection, catching up with us just as we were approaching our cars, thereby, joining us once again at the end of a perfect day.

Great day Ian, thanks, and thanks also to all, great to see everyone again, and let's hope we can now look forward to a return to a summer of great days in fabulous mountains.