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Beinn A'Mhanaich via The Strone(709m)

Sunday 3rd November 2024



I was surprised to see that it was seven years since I had last been up Beinn A’Mhanaich and so when Mike suggested this for a local mid-week walk to stretch the legs I was keen to visit this fine hill once again.

Taking the direct route, we parked at the gateway to the MOD ranges on The Strone and headed directly up the grassy, but in places very wet hillside for the steady pull up The Strone. It was a dull, misty day, and the mist just continued to thicken the higher we climbed, and by the time we were at the high point on The Strone, visibility was less than 50 metres and the mist was heavy enough to dampen our outer layers.

The range was not in operation and so we were able to stay on the main track, albeit that it is now quite indistinct in places, a sign that would indicate that this hillside is not frequented very much at all these days.

A fairly steady pace throughout and we were soon on the main grassy ridge which leads onto Beinn A’Mhanaich, which in the mist seemed to go on for ever before we finally reached the gate in the fenceline just below the summit, which once through it is then a very short step up and onto the cairned summit. Cool, misty and quite wet, but nevertheless, a fine walk.

A leisurely lunch in the lee of the summit then we were off retracing our steps for the return. Re-crossing the Bealach an t-Salc we had a few moments studying the new range boundary signs directing walkers away from the range on days when it is active and wondering just where they would lead you, as today, in the mist, it was not obvious just where you would end up. Presumably following the boundary fence all the way back to the far end of The Strone, but at a lower lever on the hillside than the main ridge path. Anyway, we would leave that for another, brighter, clearer day. Maybe even see what the outcome would be if we used the track made in the low glen when the new plantation was planted a couple of years ago. Another day maybe. A nice steady walk, good exercise, and a renewed acquaintance with a fine local hill.

Great day, thanks Mike.

P.S – That other day to explore the forest track came along much sooner that I expected – All is explained in the next report.