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Beinn Ime(1011m)

Saturday 4thJune 2022


6hrs 50mins

I have been somewhat unhappy with my overall hill fitness on our last few group walks, so rather reluctantly I decided not to go along with them this weekend, but rather to wander off in my own “bubble” and just take it as it comes. The weather forecast was for excellent weather, cloudless skies and bright sunshine all weekend, and so I opted for Saturday, and Beinn Ime was my objective, a longish walk, with plenty of steady ascent. Just what I needed.

Although I was in Succoth car park before 9 o’clock I still had to search for one of the remaining parking spaces, such is the popularity of The Arrochar Alps, especially on and Bank Holiday weekend and fine weather. Booted up, I was off just a few minutes after 9:00. There is no escaping the zig-zags, well not on the main track anyway, but the bonus is that wonderful view as you break cover from the trees and look ahead at The Cobbler, resplendent in today’s cloudless blue sky. There is a particular rock, just above the dam that is my regular first refreshment spot, and that was where I stopped for a few moments for a drink and to take a couple of photos, before heading off, via The Narnain Boulders to the high point of the track between The Cobbler and Beinn Narnain, before dropping down towards Bealach a’Mhaim but stopping just short, at yet another rock, which I am sure by now has my imprint on it, as it is a very comfortable spot for yet another short break and to watch the world go by. For it did feel like the world was out in the hills today. The track was very busy, and at this major junction walkers were splitting off for their chosen destinations, The Cobbler, Beinn Narnain or, as in my case continuing to Beinn Ime.

It is only 1.5k from the bealach to the summit of Ime, but there is 380m of ascent ahead of you. The once grassy and very boggy track has been turned into a rough stone and graded path, arguably better, at least drier, but maybe not to everyone’s liking. It is some years since I have approached Beinn Ime from this direction, our preferred options in previous outings having been the steeper, and much less crowded ascent on the north ridge from Glas-Bhealach. Nevertheless, it was onwards and upwards, and I was (sadistically) pleased to see I wasn’t the only one stopping to grab a few deep breaths as I, and the many others approached the summit where all thoughts of tiredness quickly disappeared as those wonderful views just opened up all around from this, at 1011m the highest of the summits in The Arrochar Alps.

Groups were spread all around the summit, but I managed to find myself a fine rock to sit on and it was there I remained for a full 30 minutes, just taking in the views, the arrivals and departures of others, and, of course, taking on some well needed sustenance and liquids. Refreshed, fortified and feeling quite pleased with my efforts, I eventually set off retracing my steps, but this time at a very leisurely gait, as yet still more were making their ascents well into the afternoon.

A brilliant day weather wise, and a satisfying one personally in achieving what I had set out to do.