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Beinn Narnain(926m)

Wednesday 7th July 2021


5hrs 30mins

I have added this walk on Beinn Narnain not so much as a report but more simply to keep my personal walking log and database up to date with hills walked. I had opted out of the opportunity to revisit Beinn Ghabhar, for which I hope a report is forthcoming, and will soon be available for all to read, but, no wanting to miss a fine day weather wise, I decided to take a walk up Beinn Narnain.

I followed the main track from Succoth, via the zig-zags up to the dam, along passed the Narnain Boulders and onwards to the turn off just short of Bealach a'Mhaim, and then onwards up the west ridge to the summit of Beinn Narnain.

The hillside was much quieter than I had anticipated, with only one couple and a singleton wandering over the summit as I had a nice long break in fine weather. The summit photo is courtesy of the couple who took my photo in exchange for me taking their, if you get what I mean!

Break over, I simply reversed my route back to Succoth, with still little signs of many walkers on this usually very busy hillside.