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The Brack (787m)

Wednesday 29th July 2020


6hrs 15mins

A very unsettled weather forecast for the week, with Wednesday and Friday being the most promising. So, not wanting to commit t0 anything I left it till late Tuesday afternoon before deciding to head for Beinn Dubh early Wednesday morning, and get in a short, but reasonable energetic walk for the week. However, later in the evening Alan called, he and Lawrie were heading for The Brack on Wednesday, and so, with a late change of plan, my solo easy walk became a Covid friendly small group climb to one of our favourite mountains, The Brack.

We set off from Ardgartan with mixture of dull grey skies, and short periods of light rain, the type that is most annoying, light enough to tempt you to leave off the waterproof, only to find you are getting wetter, so stopping to put on a waterproof, upon which, the rain immediately stops. Very annoying.

The steep path up through the forest is still as steep, with a few sections where there is this weird thing that you are actually holding onto tree roots to pull yourself up a broken rock or stone section, almost as if you are emerging from underneath the trees. And, the steep ascent just continues as you break out the forest and onto the minor ridges that progressively take you up alongside the tumbling burn to reach the broader section of hillside leading to the remote, but rather beautiful small lochan which sits just below the rocky crags lining the upper heights of The Brack.

We enjoyed a lazy rest at the lochan, the light rain now having finally passed, and with the skies beginning to lighten, although, there was quite a strong breeze blowing, which at least kept the midges at bay.

A final, steep ascent on the narrow track, up and between the rockier crags and we were soon alongside the fine Trig Point marking the 787m summit of The Brack, with its wonderful views, south over Loch Long towards the Firth of Clyde, east, out beyond Ben Lomond, and all around us, the other fine peaks of the Arrochar Alps, wonderful views in abundance.

In contrast to the steep rocky ascent of the north east ridge, the north west ridge of The Brack offers a more gentle descent, on a broad grassy slope, down which we made our way to pick up the track along the Cowal Way to return through the forest and onwards, on the main forest track back to Ardgartan.

A fine day on a great little mountain, and all in fine company, my thanks to Alan and Lawrie.