Walk Reports Database

You can use the Walks Database to search for other walks similar to that currently shown, or easier low-level walks, or more adventurous high-level Munros and Corbetts.
Use the Search option for a specific mountain or hill, or, select Munro, Corbett or Others for a full listing of all walks in that category. There are currently almost 400 walks available on the database.

Search Hints: Single searches can be accomplished by a partial name search.
e.g. Entering ime, will return Beinn Ime, and any other hills with ime in the name. Similarly, entering Sgurr will return all occurances of Sgurr in the hill name. Searches are not case sensative and will respond to a partial name, e.g phar will return Beinn Pharlagain.

Beinn Damhain(684m)

Saturday 14th April 2012



Report to follow.