Coire Toaig (668m)

Carn Dearg MC - Weekend Meet
Saturday 8th - Sunday 9th February 2014

Distance: 12kms - Duration: 5hrs - Group Size: 3

Walk Leader - Alan

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According to the weather forecast I had printed out on Friday, Sunday was forecast to be the better day of the weekend and so we were hopefully of climbing Stob Ghabhar and thereby completing Lindsay's 100th Munro . The moment we looked out of the hut window on Sunday morning we knew that there was little chance of us getting to the high tops for yet a second day. If anything, the rain and wind was considerably worse than it had been on Saturday, and so we decided to head for the high bealach above Coire Toaig, and make our decision on Stob Ghabhar at the cut-off point from where we would cross the Allt Toaig if we were indeed heading for Stob Ghabhar.

We were a reduced party of only 3 as we set off from Forest Lodge along the track to Clashgour Hut and then swinging north on the ascent path towards the 668m bealach at the head of Coire Toaig. The south east and east shoulders of Stob Ghabhar, respectively, Stob Moal and Aonach Eagach, were visible and beckoning; however, the level of thick black cloud cover sitting above the 700m level combined with the amount of snow cover we could clearly see even from this lower level confirmed our earlier thoughts that today was not a day for the higher tops.

Therefore, we continued our ascent towards the 668m bealach, crossing the Allt Caolain Duibh and into the broad Coire Toaig. Beyond the 450m height we had a few interesting moments negotiating the deeper gullies over which a thick covering of snow had formed, hiding the broken rocks and water flowing somewhere beneath.

As we approached the bealach, we angled off slightly to the east to gain the shelter of a few rocks in which to take a break out of the wind and sleet, which had drifted in and out in some very heavy squalls for most of the morning. With the limited visibility we had, the views from the bealach were very restricted, and so, we simply had our lunch and then departed this blustery bealach and made our return to Forest Lodge.

An interesting day, given the weather!

Our weekend in Forest Lodge was over, and all that remained was for us to make our customary stop-over at the Crianlarich Hotel for some refreshments at the end of a good day.

Great weekend - Thanks everyone.


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