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Beinn Uird(597m)

Sunday 17th November 2013


5hrs 15mins

As we drove towards Rowardennan the lochside and surrounding hills were shrouded in belts of low mist and cloud interspersed with patches of blue sky, it was anyone's guess as to which way the weather was going to pan out. Despite this, the car parks at Rowardennan were already filling up as we arrived, and various groups were heading out, most, presumably bound for Ben Lomond. We, however, had an entirely different objective for the day, Beinn Uird, which, to plagiaries Michael's description, is "A much neglected hill to the south of Ben Lomond".

Leaving the car park we took the main path through the forest and towards the lower slopes of Ben Lomond and beyond the forest boundary, at which point we left the path and headed just south of east over the undulating hillside ploughing our way over rough ground and through deep grassy tussocks towards a mist covered distant top.

The early morning mist refused to lift, and the weather turned to a heavy, grey, moisture laden sky which limited our visibility as we resorted to regular compass checks as we made our way towards the very broad and featureless summit that is Beinn Uird. There was no definitive high point to the summit, and we resorted to taking our choice between two little "bumps", selecting the one on which, with some imagination, you could say a cairn, if a few stones piled on top of each other, can be described as a cairn, stood.

We settled down on the grassy top to a welcome break, hoping that the weather would brighten, but alas not, and so, after our lunch we departed the summit and headed off down the broad north west ridge towards the minor top at Elrig, and thence on towards the low ground of Moin Eich. The descent involved some weaving between and around a few rather boggy peat hags, until we eventually turned and headed generally west to intersect and join the main Ben Lomond path around the 320m height. Joining the path we continued our descent, mingling with the returning Ben Lomond walkers as we made our way back through the forest and towards Rowardennan.

A fine walk, and great company - Thanks Michael