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Beinn an Lochain(901m)

Saturday 25th August 2018


4hrs 30mins

Drivers and their passengers passing through Glen Croe, over the Rest and Be Thankful and then downhill to Glen Kinglas are spoilt for choice as they look out at the wonderful mountain landscapes that surround them; but, there is one jewel that may just outshine the others, and that is the view towards the rugged ridgeline of Beinn an Lochain as it rises steeply from the dark waters of Loch Restil; often cloud covered, today, Beinn an Lochain looked spectacular against a blue sky, and that is where we were headed for with a growing anticipation of a great day on a fine mountain. The down side? Well we were going to have to share this wonderful mountain with quite a few others, as the laybys at the start point were already filling up, and we had to double park our own cars just to get ourselves a slot for the day.

Across the burn, over the wet area between the burn and the base of the ridge and then the hard work starts. At one time incorrectly given Munro status, but then downgraded to a Corbett, Beinn an Lochain has all the attributes associated with a hill walkers mountain; steep, rugged paths, a bit of scrambling, narrow paths contouring above exposed crags and even a short stretch of narrow exposed ridgeline; all of which combine to make this quite a spectacular ascent; and that's before you lift your eyes towards the panorama of views that accompany you for every step of the way. The weather was almost perfect, certainly the visibility on the summit was excellent, with the mountains on Arran clearly visible to the south, and to the north, the unmistakable mass of Ben Nevis; spectacular.

Departing this fine summit, we made our descent back the way we had come up; easier written than accomplished, those steep narrow sections requiring a degree of care and precision footwork,which on my part means slow and steady; however, there is always the Community Cafe in Arrochar where a nice mug of tea and a slice of homemade cheesecake helps calm the nerves.

Brilliant day Mhairi, and great company - Thanks everyone.