Tea, Cream Scones & Lunch
Arrochar Circular

Saturday 31st January 2015

Distance: 8kms - Duration: 4hrs - Group Size: 27

Walk Leader - Joyce

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As popular as ever, the yearly "social walk" is eagerly anticipated, and probably the best attended walk on the calendar; and this years was no exception as 27 of us gathered in the Village Inn at Arrochar for coffee, cream scones and jam prior to our walk - and, off course, to pre-0rder our lunch from the substantial menu in preparation for our return.

Joyce had chosen a delightful circular route taking us above Arrochar and onto the forested lower slopes of Cruach Tairbeirt, from where we could gaze upon the mighty Arrochar Alps, always an enticing sight, especially capped in snow as they were today. We took a short stop at Tarbet station, taking advantage of the platform shelter to shield us from a rather sharp and cold wind, before crossing to the opposite hillside below Ben Reoch for a return to Arrochar via a rather low underpass below the West Highland Railway, just in time for some of us to get our ears rattled as a train thundered overhead.

The Village Inn had been very accommodating, and had set up a T plan table for us on our return, where we settled down to await our lunch being served - quite a variety I might add, with almost every option on the menu being covered, from starters to desserts - and it has to to said, certain ladies made light work of some very large helpings of the Chocolate Fudge Cake, definitely not chosen from the Under 500 Calories Menu!

Our thanks to Joyce for organising a great day and a very enjoyable lunch venue.

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